The Dungeon # 3 - The Automata

Respice Finem - Fail More, Harder, Faster - n'stuff.

The Dungeon # 3

This newsletter is about growth; in life and business.

You have to seek in order to find, scrape the bottom, delve the depths, and know darkness to know light.

The Seeker ⭖ Quaestor Lucis

"To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day"

If you’re looking for new directions to expand into right now, here’s what I’ve been reading.

  • Written in 2007 by Eli (@bluehatseo on X), this gem of a read by an SEO legend still has so much to offer: SEO Empire Part 1

  • From the MMO archives, anyone else ever think about the time Shawn Hogan got caught up with the FBI for making $28mm cookie stuffing as an eBay affiliate? I’m sure there’s more to this story.

  • I’ve been learning a shit ton from Jacky Chou’s YouTube lately, I am impressed at the velocity and range of experimental content. Dude’s an experimentoor beast. Everything from black hat hacks, to local SEO. Choose your flavor.

  • I’m leaning more heavily into (gasp) programmatic SEO (no, it’s not a dirty word or black hat - don’t listen to the weirdo purists spouting their Citadel Approved Content Propaganda), it’s worked well for me in the past, and new tools out there make it WAY easier with presets for programmatic - check a few ideas below if that’s something you’re interested in:

Speaking of programmatic if you want to really learn more - bow down to the programmatic overlord of SEO, Ian Nuttall who has…. some sites with BILLIONS OF PAGES? Yes, “levels to this game”, and he’s certainly reached god-tier level.

Take a fuckin’ bow!

The Dungeon

“The shadow is the greatest teacher for those who seek the light.” - Source, Trust Me.

In Dungeon-related news, we’ve powered through our Faceless YouTube Channel follow along.

Hiring, testing contractors, uploading your first video, etc. - all available in the #follow-alongs channel in the Dungeon Discord.

We are currently in the growth stage on my channel, my contractor is rocking along and pumping out about 1x video per day and right now our biggest limitations are our limits inside inVideo, and getting a good thumbnail design template.

We’ll do many more such follow alongs (hopefully) in the future, leaving a directory of case-study guides for anyone to find and use.

More Dungeon news:

  • Yukinari and I plan on doing weekly spaces soon on the ol’ bird app (topics for sovereign individuals and Dungeon crawlers: finance, investing, MMO, etc.)

  • Inside the Dungeon, we are going to start strong-arming knowledgeable and visible (influenzas) to join us on shit talking strategy sessions LIVE in the shadowy halls of the Dungeon (hopefully bi-monthly). We’ll do it when there’s a sufficient amount of butts in seats to make it worthwhile to our guests. SOON (as they say)

The Sovereign

Legacy financial and cultural systems are mental gravity wells holding you down to Terra firma.

The Automata are coming, as you’ll see in the next section.

The Sovereign knows this, he/she understands that society and tech are moving fast. You don’t complain, you don’t worry - you know that as with every other technological revolution, more opportunities will be created.

For every job lost, 10 will take it’s place.

Is that good or bad? No, there is no moral compass to growth.

Will some be hurt? Yes, but those that catch the wave will be just fine.

The robots are already here - you just need to open your mind to the possibilities.

A Sovereign Individual seeks freedom from legacy systems (employment, financial systems, cultural expectations, etc.) in order to become financially and mentally free - no overlords, only personal sovereignty. Automation is yet another tool in your toolbox to get you closer to that goal.

The Year 2050

This section explores any and all thoughts I have about the future.

The very soon (way before 2025, like next year or two years out) future of business is autonomous teams of agents doing 90% of the work for you…

…and here’s a great video showing you that it’s actually happening right now.

You can already build teams of AI’s to do a ton of heavy lifting for you: SMM agents, content agents, etc. - all running autonomously and working together. This is GPT next level shit. I’m not saying it’s prime time yet, or ready to be unleashed, more infant-level at the moment, but…

Soon. Few. Etc.

Respice Finem

Bite sized thoughts on building a business you care about, that lasts the test of time.

  • Work with A-players only, partner with A-players only. Everyone else will hold you down. Be extremely generous with them, inverse law.

  • Hire fast, fire fast. Test often, move quickly. You can’t afford tire-kickers.

  • Seek your personal edge, and swim in Blue Ocean waters. Avoid overly competitive waters, unless your “edge” is better than everyone else’s. What do I mean by an Edge? Data, knowledge, something no one else has and no else can compete on.

  • A niche site isn’t a business, it’s advertising inventory for someone else’s business. Go deeper, create your own products, build community, etc.

  • Time in The Game, like Time in The Markets beats every other edge.

  • Business, like LIFE, is not about decreasing your failure rate, it’s about exponentially increasing your failure rate. IYKYK.

I’m not going to pound you with offers in this newsletter, ehhh not yet anyways.

Here’s what I’ve got for you right now:

  • If you’re an SEO and affiliate marketer, you might like our SERPs merchandise.

  • If you need consulting/coaching for your affiliate business, SEO, sales funnels, infoproducts, etc. - yeah, we can do that (please make dang sure you are right for these services before purchasing).

  • Want to buy some high authority, niche edit links on real, aged domains and aged articles? We have every niche. For now, just reply to me here or HMU on Twitter and I’ll get you set up.

  • If you want to join our community, you can do so here.

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