The Dungeon # 9 The Protean & The Mage

Finding Protean, and, a Wild Archmage Appears! šŸ§™

The Dungeon # 9 - The Protean

GM - This newsletter is about growth; in life and business.

In this edition:

  • The Protean

  • The Archmage

  • Puer Aeternus

  • C.R.E.A.M šŸ¤”

  • Respice Finem

The Seeker ā­– Quaestor Lucis

Because Proteus could assume whatever shape he pleased, he came to be regarded by some as a symbol of the original matter from which the world was created. The word protean, one meaning of which is ā€œchangeable in shape or form,ā€ is derived from Proteus.

Transformation. Metamorphosis. Proteus. Shiva. Build, Destroy, Change, Build Again.

Many of us arrived where we are now because the last life we built burned down in flames. Or went out with a whimper, or no whimper at all, just a wet fart. POOF. Job gone, wife gone, career not valuable anymore, or something worse: boredom, or apathy, sapped our will to live and we wake up one day invisible to the world.

Suddenly the abyss opens up before you and everything you worked for is evaporating, energy dispersing elsewhere in the universe - maybe in the form of money, labor, or something else. Regardless, itā€™s gone, and time to move on. Yes, it happened to me.

It is right at the apex (or nadir) of shit going absolutely sideways that we learn who we really are. If you cling to sinking ships, you go down with them.

There is really only one solution: transformation - becoming something else, trying something new. Transformation is fundamental to every law of nature (hence gods like Shiva, Proteus), but not every individual embodies this or can harness itā€™s power. Many people only manage it once in a lifetime, or not at all.

Therefore: Embrace the Protean, be Shiva. embrace fast, transformations as often as possible. Iā€™m not just talking about re-inventing your career: tactics, strategies, traffic channels, offers, businesses, mental states, ideas. Never give in to sunk cost fallacies.

The Dungeon News

  • A wild Archmage appears! Until now, roles have been fairly meaningless. But now they begin to reveal themselves. The Archmage role grants you access to premium content in the #Archmage channel, with assets already being added, and more to come. At some point, this role will stop being granted automatically. Get in now suckas.

    New Follow Alongs:

    • Member RUSH has a new FA as well, after shutting down his first one: ā€œLocal Massacreā€ - the name says It all, I believe? He is progressing fast - and we granted him the Paladin Role.

    • Member Damien has started a new FA: ā€œLocal Spam to find easy R&R opportunitiesā€ - combine this strategy w/the new spreadsheet dropped in #Archmage: šŸ–Ø. Heā€™s already ranking in some territories.

The Sovereign

"When you're alone, you're free to try things you may feel uncomfortable doing for the first time in front of others."
  • The story of Jesse Livermore, a scrappy kid-turned millionaire trader by ignoring the status quo - high risk, high reward, big fall. Lesson in here.

  • Puer Aeternus - The Eternal Child. The child doesnā€™t worry about how others see him or her, they simply play the game. They want the reward, donā€™t want to do the work. Dualities are funny things.

Not much to share in this section today.

The Year 2050

This section explores any and all thoughts I have about the future.
  • SERP / Algo prediction: Indexing and Ranking algoā€™s will become AI-agents, much smarter. Site builders are all asleep at the wheel for SEO I believe.

  • The Devin video was faked - C.R.E.A.M. Thanks, Ralf.

  • ā€œThe good effects come first, the bad effects come later.ā€ GM:

Crazy how hard this hits, and the wisdom of this is relevant to so many things we work on:

True with entrepreneurship, marketing, and more.

Respice Finem - Look To The End

"The greatest challenges humans face in their lives are two: 1) the challenge of where to start, 2) the challenge of when to stop." -Sameh Elsayed
  • Test fast, test often, collect test data, let the winners run, and let the losers go. Sunk cost fallacy is deadly and should be the antithesis of the autist-capitalist, marketer, and chad Dungeon dweller. Marketing, like investing, requires a strong thesis, and ruthlessness: if your thesis is right, you lean into it. If itā€™s wrong, you cut your losses immediately and move on.  

  • Ability to organize, parse information is possibly one of the highest-leveraged skills, and one of the hardest things to maintain, let alone improve. As systems get ever more complex, entropy starts to creep in. Therefore, as you grow and obtain more knowledge, continually simplify your processes.

  • I saw a tweet recently, canā€™t remember from who, and it stuck with me. The gist: do you want to be spamming the internet in 20 years from now? Do you want to be a nIcHe SiTe OpERaTor when youā€™re an old gray? No. These are revenue streams, use and abuse ā€˜em. Then use the earnings to do something meaningful for yourself.

Remember to look to the end, because the end is looking at you.

Iā€™m not going to pound you with offers in this newsletter, ehhh not yet anyways.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve got for you right now:

  • If youā€™re an SEO and affiliate marketer, you might like our SERPs merchandise.

  • If you need consulting/coaching for your affiliate business, sales funnels, infoproducts, etc. - yeah, we can do that (please make dang sure you are right for these services before purchasing).

  • Want to buy some high authority, niche edit links on real, aged domains and aged articles? We have every niche. For now, just reply to me here or HMU on Twitter and Iā€™ll get you set up.

  • If you want to join our community, you can do so here.

  • Check out Yukinariā€™s Omni-channel agency, DigitalNytro, here.

Shoutouts & Friends of the Dungeon

  • One of the best SEO newsletters out there, period: Grindstone.

  • One of the best SEO forums out there, zeitrum. Ralf Christian.

Who we are?

Terminus Est.