Dungeon # 5 - Deus Otiosus

The hidden god, godfather offers, and more.

The Dungeon # 4

This newsletter is about growth; in life and business. You have to seek in order to find, scrape the bottom, delve the depths, and know darkness to know light.


  • Funny Twitter SEO beef and consultants.

  • Godfather offers.

  • Dungeon news.

  • Sovereign Individual <> Centralized Authorities

  • The hidden god.

The Seeker ⭖ Quaestor Lucis

A master is a beginner, who kept beginning.
  • Just build a brand” and the fallacies and privileges of consultants, in-housers, and out-of-touch technocrats who think the internet is only for themselves and their ilk.

  • Subtweeting this hilarious SEO beef. ‘Majin coming after Joe with such drivel. Why does this matter for beginners and seekers? At the outset of your journey, just do what works, sell, collect revenue streams. If you can build a “brand”, great, but most cannot - instead, focus on survival.

  • 50K views on this post by my friend Chris Walker on Reddit outranking original source article - for the article. Why’s it matter? Remember that Google is a machine learning algorithm tied to an index. That’s it. Find the buttons and levers to push, and operate the machine, or it’s going to operate you. HCU and niche site devastation proves my point.

  • Speaking of Reddit - big LOL - did The Citadel overplay it’s hand on their recently announced back-room handshake firehouse-of-reddit-data deal? Source: Glen Gabe via Grindstone.

The question you need to ask yourself, in this and all things, will you blindly follow the rules of The Citadel, or - knowing that they are a monolithic, centralized machine designed only to further centralize power, knowledge, and access to enrich anointed members - will you choose to follow your own rules?

The Dungeon

“People either build a castle or a dungeon. The former by their virtues, pull people into positive edifices with gainful impression. The later by their vices, push people into negative huts with painful oppression.”
― Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder
  • Godfather offers - what are they and why should you create one? A “Godfather offer” is an offer you can’t refuse. I dropped an example for cold email outreach inside the #agency-and-services channel. You can apply this principle to your affiliate campaigns, agency services, outreach, and ecom products - and a lot more.

  • Dungeon Member RUSH has been dropping new updates for his Niche Directory follow along.

  • Yukinari and I had our first Dungeon Xwitter Space - we discussed everything from SEO to Google rankings, to the hero’s journey arc from white hat to black hat SEO, to chaos theory physics nerd shit applied to the pace of AI technology. We’ll do more soon and updates will follow.

The Sovereign

"The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but to have only the law of nature for his rule" - John Locke

The goal of any centralized authority is to hoard and gate-keep access to the levers of power; information, data, backroom handshakes. Corporations, polities, networks, knowledge banks - all operate on these same principles.

The goal of the sovereign individual is the same: to centralize authority unto themselves.


The Year 2050

This section explores where it's all going.
  • Sora was released and the death rattle of a million startups was heard around the internet. Imagine being an animation studio right now? Adapt or die. Use it or lose it. Wen API access?

  • Gemini is still complete shit, but the power is in the ecosystem. I can already see it coming together.

Respice Finem - Deus Otiosus

Deus Otiosus - the hidden god - a high god who has withdrawn from the immediate details of the governing of the world. The god has delegated all work on Earth to ancestors or nature spirits, who act as mediators between the god and humans. This concept occurs widely in Africa, Melanesia, and South America.

  • Becoming the Hidden God: the more you delegate, automate, and outsource, the wider your field of influence, the higher your rate of execution. Soon, AI agents will act as our mediators online - they already are for me, working tirelessly 24 hours per day.

  • I adhere to the concept that the Universe and everything in it is a black box, you can’t know what’s inside, and you can’t predict everything that comes out of it, all you can do is experiment, record outcomes, and try and iterate on them to get better outcomes.

  • If time is an arrow, only the destination matters. If time is a frozen river, every action and every thought is frozen forever, a monument to your life for eternity.

  • I used to think about money as a fickle, finite thing, it ebbed and flowed in my bank account, only representative of the labor I put in.

Remember to treasure your time, your children, family, and friends - you can’t take your niche site portfolio with you at the end.

I’m not going to pound you with offers in this newsletter, ehhh not yet anyways.

Here’s what I’ve got for you right now:

  • If you’re an SEO and affiliate marketer, you might like our SERPs merchandise.

  • If you need consulting/coaching for your affiliate business, sales funnels, infoproducts, etc. - yeah, we can do that (please make dang sure you are right for these services before purchasing).

  • Want to buy some high authority, niche edit links on real, aged domains and aged articles? We have every niche. For now, just reply to me here or HMU on Twitter and I’ll get you set up.

  • If you want to join our community, you can do so here.

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