Dungeon #4 - Fortiores Una

Stronger together, 500 programmatic SEO ideas.

The Dungeon # 4 - Fortiores Una

This newsletter is about growth; in life and business.

You have to seek in order to find, scrape the bottom, and know darkness to know light.

Programmatic SEO Quicky Training + 500 Keyword Ideas

As promised, here’s the link to my quick training on how to build 1000s of pages on the fly using templates and keyword variations (AKA, programmatic SEO) - plus my Doc for 500 prog SEO keyword ideas to get your juices flowing! Once you’ve checked that out, make sure to jump in our community if you have questions.

The Seeker ⭖ Quaestor Lucis

“In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few.” Shunryu Suzuki (Few)

Apes together, strong - perhaps you’ve heard this? If you witnessed the Great Wall Street Bets war against hedge funds, you know what I’m talking about. 

For the Dungeon, it’s Fortiores Una - Stronger Together. Remember D&D and Dungeon Crawlers back in the day? Maybe you’re not Sam-level old... s’okay. Anyways, point is... you don’t make it out of the Dungeon alone. You need a sold crew of adventurers.

Networking, sharing, working together. This is the way. In our world, there is a strong tendency to want to fly 100% solo.. The Urge To Go It Alone. 

We’re Sovereign Individuals, right? Yes. But that doesn’t mean “alone”. 

As a solo-business, affiliate, whatever - your greatest asset is your knowledge, data. The wider your net for collecting data (network and processes) the wider your surface area for hitting winners.

The Dungeon - Fortiores Una

“The shadow is the greatest teacher for those who seek the light.” - Source, Trust Me.

  • New #follow-alongs live: 

    • Rush is building a NICHE DIRECTORY site, a programmatic content directory - think [product] vs [product]. 

    • Noah is building 10 Local Rank & Rent sites and partnered with a very high-ticket service for revenue. If you’ve wanted to start some local R&R sites, this is a great one to check out.

  • We cracked 550 users this week and the community is picking up. We’ve got SEOs, agency builders, niche site operators, hard core affiliates, local SEO and Rank and Rent operators, Spamooors slamming Reddit, parasites, and more... 

  • Plans for the near future: Yukinari and I are planning on having live calls with thought leaders in various spaces: the format is a LIVE shit talking session in a Dungeon channel, Q&A, everyone jump in and have some, roast, etc. IF you have ideas for ppl we should reach out to, reply back and let me know - I’ll do my best to bring them into the community. Can be crypto, degen, MMO, etc.

The Sovereign

Like any technology company, information and data is the Sovereign's edge. Seek more, hunt more. Your value to the herd will increase exponentially.
  1. How to make 1k rank and rent assets in a day 🤪, by @Spamdexing

  2. Here’s some alpha for you on Parasite SEO, most are doing this completely wrong IMO (no one liked this post lol, keep doing Outlook, NGMI)

  3. The easiest way to start your first AgEnCy, is to resell someone else’s high-quality service. Dropservicing basically. Layer on some profit, and boom, new “agency”. Yes, it’s just arbitrage, but IMO the easiest way to start. I started reselling link providers, had my first customer, and paid via PayPal all within an hour. My profit on this hustle is 50%. Fast, easy.

  4. Via @APX_loot, here’s a good mental model to run through if you’re considering building a solo biz.

  5. Being a 2nd-tier only affiliate - sounds like the good life tbh.

  6. Hang on, are you building a solopreneur business, or just another job?

The Year 2050

Invest where the world is going in 10-20 years, not tomorrow.
  • Google announces Gemini Pro available everywhere and image generation available in Bard - at this point, do we give a f—k about Bard or Gemini? I’m at the “show me the money” stage of no f—ks given with Goog and A.I.

  • OpenAI feels it needs to tell us that “GPT-4 won’t create bio weapons”, sure bud (just SERP weapson, amirite? Kek).

  • Speaking of OpenAI, they announced a 50% price decrease using GPT 3.-5 API - wow lol - I am now spending approximately $0.01 per programmatic SEO article using Cuppa. Details at the top of this letter.

Respice Finem - Look To The End

  • List or Community? Build both. The problem with email lists is it’s a one-way communication channel. List + Community/Audience beats just a list every time. 

  • A watched pot never boils, same for these affiliate campaigns. Stop obsessing over them and learn to launch fast, and often. Launch 100, you will find one massive winner with asymmetric ROI. Facts.

  • You don’t need perfect landers, perfect copy, or the best looking page. 9 times out of 10 an ugly lander will do the trick. Just launch. Same goes for SEO, YouTube, etc. - just starting beats perfection every time.

  • Layer value into everything you do for your personal brand. MOAR value. A business is much more than targeting keywords in SERPs, you need to get people in your gravity well so they keep coming back. This doesn’t apply to your spam campaigns.

I’m not going to pound you with offers in this newsletter, ehhh not yet anyways.

Here’s what I’ve got for you right now:

  • If you’re an SEO and affiliate marketer, you might like our SERPs merchandise.

  • If you need consulting/coaching for your affiliate business, sales funnels, infoproducts, etc. - yeah, we can do that (please make dang sure you are right for these services before purchasing).

  • Want to buy some high authority, niche edit links on real, aged domains and aged articles? We have every niche. For now, just reply to me here or HMU on Twitter and I’ll get you set up.

  • If you want to join our community, you can do so here.

Who we are?