Dungeon # 4 - Facem Armiger

Following Roman generals vs charlatans.

The Dungeon # 4 - Facem Armiger

This newsletter is about growth, in life and business. You have to seek in order to find, scrape the bottom, delve the depths, and know darkness to know light.

What’s inside?

  • Following charlatans vs Roman generals

  • Dungeon weekly updates & news

  • How to start a dropservicing agency fast (in 2 hours)

  • Finding your leverage

The Seeker ⭖ Quaestor Lucis

And I learned in the deepening twilight
This glorious verity,
‘Tis the torch that the people follow,
Whoever the bearer may be. —Author unknown

From an interesting speech I found on the interwebs, this quote and idea can teach us a lot about setting the right path for ourselves, in life or in business.

You will encounter many pitfalls along the route of your journey, especially when starting out, but none so dangerous as following charismatic charlatans - false torchbearers that promise brightly lit futures, but offer only dead ends.

Continuing from that same page, this is a quote from Lucius Macedonicus, a Roman general:

Commanders should be counselled chiefly by persons of known talent, by those who have made the art of war their particular study, and whose knowledge is derived from experience, by those who are present at the scene of action, who see the enemy, who see the advantages that occasions offer, and who, like people embarked in the same ship, are sharers of the danger.

Information is key and knowledge builds our reality - shapes our thinking and molds our actions - and the source of your information dictates your path. Make sure you are following the right torchbearers.

“Thoughts are things, you can create your own and place them in the world, or let others create theirs and place them in your mind.” - Me

The Dungeon

“The shadow is the greatest teacher for those who seek the light.” - Source, Trust Me.

This week in the Dungeon it’s been quiet, with only a few updates to share:

  • There are 3 #follow-alongs happening now you learn from and follow along with - each with a few updates this week: Faceless YouTube Channels, Niche Site Directory, Rank and Rents.

  • 580 users hit, with plenty of alpha going around in Crypto and Biz-opps

  • Yukinari and I will begin to do spaces on X soon (Thoon), so watch out for those if you’re interested in joining in.

  • If you missed the Quicky Training for pSEO and my 500 keyword ideas for programmatic content, you can grab it here.

How to start a drop servicing agency - fast

  • Find an outstanding seller at a great price - they should really deliver a quality product and it should be SIMPLE - this is why I went with selling LINKS (it’s dead simple). You do not want a lot of back and forth as a middle man agency. Simple service > Quality product = Money.

  • Find a source of buyers (FB group, Slack group, Discord, Twitter, SEO, whatever)

  • Build some Stripe order forms or just take cash with PayPal

  • Sell, Buy, Fulfill, Repeat

  • From there, scale with contractors, build a funnel for it if you want or whatever.

Yes, it works.

The Sovereign

"To be called a sovereign nation, a nation has to be able to control its own borders. It is controlling your own destiny in a way, and we don't control our own borders" - Tom Tancredo

What really is all this nonsense about being a “Sovereign Individual”? It’s about creating freedom, simple as that.

IMO, the time of the individual is now, the time of the collective and the nation state is waning. Oh, for sure, control is still squarely centralized, but this may be the only time in history where anyone from anywhere can step outside of that system if so desired and actually thrive.

Small thoughts:

  • The Sovereign makes his own way, seeks his or her own tribe, builds owned income streams, builds systems that free him or her from conventionally controlled systems like finance. 

  • Seek always your own path, or forever walk someone else’s.

  • Curiosity + Persistence + Time in The Game + Leverage = freedom. 

  • The internal world is where you build your external empire.

Respice Finem

Consider leverage. Starting out, you need leverage, and at every stage of your growth you need more leverage.

What is it and how do you get it? In the simplest terms, leverage is force. Power to move the needle, hearts, and minds. Power over competitors, partners, the market. When you are starting out - unless you were born rich or lucky - you likely have zero leverage. Money, traffic, audience, specific/secret knowledge (information and data), skills - these are all forms of leverage.

You need leverage and the stones to use it ruthlessly.

Email list as one example: the ability to tap into a stream of buyers with a well written email and the click of a button. An asset that only you control. This is why you will see “build an email list!” recommended in every beginner marketers course or article. An email list is one of the easiest forms of leverage to build starting out. You own it, can move it, control it.

I’m not going to pound you with offers in this newsletter, ehhh not yet anyways.

Here’s what I’ve got for you right now:

  • If you’re an SEO and affiliate marketer, you might like our SERPs merchandise.

  • If you need consulting/coaching for your affiliate business, sales funnels, infoproducts, etc. - yeah, we can do that (please make dang sure you are right for these services before purchasing).

  • Want to buy some high authority, niche edit links on real, aged domains and aged articles? We have every niche. For now, just reply to me here or HMU on Twitter and I’ll get you set up.

  • If you want to join our community, you can do so here.

Who we are?