Dungeon 12 - Óðr, the Frenzied One

Profit Centers, side quests, Dungeon Space.

The Dungeon

GM - This newsletter is about growth; in life and business.

In this edition:

  • Óðr

  • Dungeon News

  • Profit Centers

  • Sidequests

  • Respice Finem

The Seeker ⭖ Quaestor Lucis

Óðr - In Norse mythology, Óðr is a figure associated with the goddess Freyja. The Old Norse word Óðr means "divine madness, frantic, furious, vehement, eager"

The Seeker is a section for beginners, new journeys, and transitions from old to new.

I recently tweeted a poll asking Twitter what they believe the number one most important business skill was in one word. Many said things like “sales”, or “communication”, and I don’t think those are wrong, per se. However, one response stood out to me. 


You have to be fucking crazy to wake up every day and build a business or walk away from a steady paycheck. To be an entrepreneur. To believe in yourself so intently that you bend the arc of the universe to align with your purpose, your calling, and your direction.

If that’s you, pat yourself on the back, you mad lad.

Few can do it, and most will simply lie down for someone else’s calling for them, never pursuing their own. If you passively allow the world to pull you along, then you are building someone else’s dream, not your own. 

You don’t have to be that delusional, by the way, only delusional enough to believe in your vision in your small corner of the world or the internet to the exclusion of all the naysayers, to ignore the voice in your head that is telling you you will fail, to ignore all your limiting beliefs, your history, your friends and parents telling you you can’t do it, or it’s a stupid idea, that you should just get a job. Etc Etc.

Remember that With outsized risks, comes outsized rewards. 

“I always want it to be a project that, if successful, will make the rest of my career look like a footnote.”

Sam Altman, OpenAI

The Dungeon News

  • Dungeon+Forte SEO Friday call went off without a hitch this time, we covered:

    • Topical authority / EEAT (and why it’s probably bullsh*t)

    • Local SEO strategies and chatbot funnels

    • SaaS SEO strategies

    • ToFU/BoFU strategies

    • Press release SEO strategies with Randy the News Guy'

And a ton more!

The Sovereign

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.

Neo’s job was to escape the matrix. Yours is to become the CENTER of your personal matrix.

Your job is to identify the profit centers, remove them, and become the profit center in your own life. 

Control is conferred, in a profit-driven system like capitalism, well-being, happiness, and even biological imperatives, are all dependent upon access. Access to capital, access to privilege, etc. Who is controlling your access, and how do you escape?

 "If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.” - Tony Gaskins

This quote gives me anxiety. Yet, it is so real, and so true. A cliche as well, and something I’m sure you’ve seen making the rounds in the solopreneur, entrepreneur, hustle-culture algorithm feeds. 

An employee is a profit channel, a business owner is a profit center. Entrepreneurs build profit (revenue) channels. They do that by hiring, automating, delegating, innovating - and yes, firing.

Start planning your escape, and to be realistic about your timeline. It might take you years, or even decades. But you need to start now. For young people, it can take less time, as they may be less encumbered with debts and family obligations, which is why if you’re young, and reading this now, the best time to start is yesterday.


How-to guides, blueprints, ideas I'm trying now, stuff that's working.
  • How to build an automated “Idea Factory” with AI, Airtable, and Make so you never run out of content ideas: (video guide) and (Step By Step)

  • Old affiliate site smashed by HCU or an update? Why let an old money-printer die - here’s how to revive an old site with GSC+Google Ads.

  • How to growth hack your solopreneur career like a VC-funded startup (link).

  • How to create a review funnel and 10X reviews of your business (link).

Respice Finem - Look To The End

  • Good writing is ideas with wings - if you get it right, you can live rent free in the minds of millions, get paid for it, and they’ll share (market) your words for you - possibly for thousands of years.

  • Most lose sight of fundamentals. They want to take big swings, but want to ignore practicing swinging the bat. You may hit a homerun in this analogy once, but you won’t be a hall of famer if you don’t practice your swing over and over again.

  • 90% of success is simply not giving in to your worst impulses. Doing the boring thing over and over, and not chasing shiny objects.

I’m not going to pound you with offers in this newsletter, ehhh not yet anyways.

Here’s what I’ve got for you right now:

  • If you’re an SEO and affiliate marketer, you might like our SERPs merchandise.

  • If you need consulting/coaching for your affiliate business, sales funnels, infoproducts, etc. - yeah, we can do that (please make dang sure you are right for these services before purchasing).

  • Want to buy some high authority, niche edit links on real, aged domains and aged articles? We have every niche. For now, just reply to me here or HMU on Twitter and I’ll get you set up.

  • If you want to join our community, you can do so here.

  • Check out Yukinari’s Omni-channel agency, DigitalNytro, here.

Shoutouts & Friends of the Dungeon

  • One of the best SEO newsletters out there, period: Grindstone.

  • One of the best SEO forums out there, zeitrum. Ralf Christian.

Who we are?